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Offering a Unique Perspective

Facilitate Creatively


By far my strongest skill is my ability to dissect and identify if a text is written well or not, both my own and others.  It is difficult to explain but it just comes with practice through reading, writing, and a unique understanding of word flow so to speak.  I've scoured stories, digital and physical, stayed up to date with a variety of world events, and am very critical of my own work; all of which have lead me to where I am now: a pristine hand when holding a pen.  Click below to see some examples.


This is just a hobby to be perfectly honest but it does highlight my eye for color and showcase my knack for good timing.  I rarely use editing software because like I said, it is just a hobby.  Nonetheless you should be able to further gauge how it is that my mind operates and what it is that I am paying attention too .  Eventually, I hope for this hobby to grow into more of a semi-professional talent that will supplement other endeavors that I have began, namely, the t-shirt portion of OurGlass.


Apparel Design

This section showcases the bulk of what I have spent my extra money on over the past few years.  This has been my main avenue for showcasing creativity not only on United States citizens, but individuals of the world as well.  I have managed to pass out quite a few to the international community through my work and travel in corporate hospitality and hostels.  If you are interested in seeing the works, click below.  Just a heads up I made marijuana shirts while I lived in Colorado.

The Point of this Endeavor

I encourage you to explore the sections of this portfolio, specifically, the writing portion.  Having put this page together with the intention of showcasing various works of mine, I hope to earn the eye of a party interested in procuring what it is that I believe I can bring to a project, individual, team, or workplace.

The links throughout the site are going to give you a more detailed look into who I am as a person.  Keep in mind it is written by me so it may be a bit biased and the only way to truly judge is to keep browsing and request my services (or at least a conference call). 

No Doubt You Should Reach Out

Don't use this. Check the Footer.


Thank you for reaching out. A response will be sent in a timely manner. Check out my writing.

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